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Friday, October 09, 2009

life with an addict...

He was happy, used to talk while he slept, but apart from them, quite Ok. Used to loose apetite once in a while, but apart form that, Ok. He thought smoking is bad, drinking is bad too. But he was addicted. And that too to...

Well I entered the room that day, and he suddenly had hidden it. He used to hide it in drawers, almirah, below the bed in a suitcase. I knew every spot, but how could he, I still didn't believe it.

I got a hint, that day at Bandra, near carter road CCD, we saw a bunch of young kids smoking it, and it smelled like, you know what. He had won a bet and asked me for something. I paid 150 bucks for it.

It was Chocolate, and in the room were being gobbled up tonnes of Lindt, Toblerones, Cadbury, Ferreros and what not. I knew it. He was an addict.

Addicted to chocolates.

I just pray he returns to the original addiction, unAdulterated. The new one doesn't suit him. It suits me :)


Prateek said...

i Harsh-o-ullhass ke saath likha hua post hai :)

TG said...

Oops, I must say I'm addicted to chocolates, too..

desh said...

@pk- khaasa harsh-ullas :)

@mkl- u shud meet HIM then :), before u declare urself an addict